"Say NO to HAZARDOUS Plastic Cups - Differentiating High-Quality Products that Protect Consumers


Raw materials: Uy Kiet plastic cups are made from virgin plastic granules using an automated production system that meets international standards. The products have consistent quality and meet the quantity and quality requirements of all customers.

In cases where products are made from HAZARDOUS PLASTIC materials or inferior plastic, the quality of the products is not consistent. When comparing two cups, users will clearly see the difference between the two product lines.


Product certification: In addition to strictly complying with periodic testing and inspection requirements, Uy Kiet plastic cups meet ISO 9001 quality standards, HACCP standards, BRC packaging standards, and other certifications provided by UKP upon customer request. 

Customers should note that product certifications must be issued by agencies or organizations recognized by international accrediting bodies, as well as local accrediting bodies. Certifications will have a certification number, effective period, reassessment period, and information about the certifying organization. 

There are cases where certification logos are printed on packaging, cartons, or advertised on various media platforms to attract users, but there is no specific information about these certifications. Customers should take the time to carefully examine and consider in order to choose the highest quality and safest product for themselves.

Clear and reliable third-party quality certifications are the best evaluation factors for customers when considering making a long-term purchase and use.

With the above information, we hope that customers have gained an objective assessment to choose a guaranteed, safe, and high-quality product like Uy Kiet plastic cups.

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